erica meade

My Skills

I am a passionate and empathic design strategist who brings a lot to the table, including an understanding of business viability, a knack for design/business strategy and a love for aesthetics. You might say…

  • I know when to think big and when to buckle down and focus on the specifics, executing and implementing concepts down to the tiniest of details
  • I have high standards and like to do work that exceeds these standards (in fact I have been critiqued for "setting the bar too high" at work and at school)
  • I boost morale with my team cheerleading skills and enthusiasm
  • I am a doodling addict, an Illustrator wizard, a Photoshop master, a Flash junkie and an HTML/CSS code-writing machine
  • I can design user interfaces for screen-based interactions with my eyes closed (well, not quite…but in a figurative sense, definitely)
  • I create seemingly simple diagrams which illustrate complex scenarios or sets of data
  • I design infographics for fun and make illustrations and animations on my days off
  • I have a unique yet flexible visual style which I adapt on a project-by-project basis—my philosophy is that life is too short to design in the same style, every time, even if all my clients seem to want “clean” and “blue”